石油人才网,国内专业的石油求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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完修井材料监督/Material Supervisor [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游


  • 工作地点:国外
  • 年龄要求:30~45岁
  • 要求学历:本科
  • 招聘人数:5人
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 专业要求:Petroleum Engineering


Qualificationand Certification Requirement
a) BScdegree certificate or higher.
b) Validphysical health certificate (persons with disease such as cardiopathy, suddendyspnea, HIV, Hepatitis B and other communicable diseases, etc., areunacceptable).
c) Ageshould be no more than 45 years old
2) WorkingExperience Requirement
a) Minimum5 years in oil and gas industry.
b) Minimum2 years working experience in the relevant position.
3) SkillRequirement
a) Havegood technical knowledge of the categories, dimensions and specifications ofthe conventional Completion and Workover Tools and Materials related to theoperations.
b) Beexperienced in the management of Completion and Workover tools and material,such as inventory , material receipt process, load out and returnmanifests, etc.
c) Ableto utilize SAP software and MAXIMO system for material management.
d) Fluentin oral and written English, able to have free communication with people andundertake all kinds of relevant paper work in English.
e) Proficientin utilizing Microsoft Office software, such as EXCEL, WORD, PPT and PROJECT,etc.
f) Excellentliaison skills with people.
4) PositionResponsibility
a) Responsiblefor tracking and updating the Department Tool and Material Inventory List, andreport to relative people for procurement and start PR in SAP system to noticeProcurement Department if any shortage of tools and materials are detected.
b) Responsiblefor the periodical data and clean-up of Department tools and materialsin SAP System as scheduled by the Clients.
c) Responsiblefor the annual inventory audit of Department materials and tools in warehouseas required by the Clients.
d) Responsiblefor the management of the delivery and receipt of newly purchased goods:
ü ApplySAP code for the newly purchased tools and materials if they are not includedin the category of SAP system.
ü Followup the goods delivery progress, and notice to relative people for rectificationif any deflection the Contract is detected.
ü Makeacceptance inspection on the newly arrived goods according to the Contract,register the goods in the Arrival Material Check List, and upon acceptance haveresponsible people to sign off the list for evidence documentation of paymentlater on. If the goods are not accepted, notice it to the relative managersimmediately.
e) Responsiblefor the load-out of tools and materials warehouse to well site:
ü Basedon the Load-out Material Manifest of Completion and Workover Supervisor’s, makeprior notice on the tools and materials to be loaded out in SAP system, printthe list out and have same signed off by relative managers, e-mail the scanneddocument to warehouse and the BIDDER as the notice on load-out, and prepare thegate pass document and have same signed by relative managers.
ü Observeand supervise the tool and material load-out in warehouse, verify and confirmthe right tools and materials with required specification, quality and quantityare loaded out.
f) Responsiblefor the return of the used tools and materials well site to warehouse:
ü Forwardto warehouse the Returned Material Check List prepared by Completion andWorkover Supervisor, and make prior notice to warehouse and BIDDER fortransporting and receiving the returned tools and materials well site.
ü Observeand supervise the tool and material restock in warehouse, inspecting andchecking the quantity and condition of the returned tools and materials. Ifthere is no problem, will have the check list signed by relative managers, scanthe list and e-mail same to all relative people for the reversion in SAPSystem. If any problem, will revise the check list as per the actual returnedtools and materials, and then go to the process of signature, scanning,e-mailing and reversion, etc..


深圳迈威石油设备技术有限公司(以下简称“迈威”),成立于 2007 年,是一家国内技术领先的综合油田技术服务公司,总部位于深圳,下设香港和蛇口分公司。在塘沽和惠州设有基地。公司的业务范围涵盖陆地和海上石油钻井、完井、生产和地面工程等专业服务,以及设备/工具加工、租赁、维修及检测等服务。





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