Qualificationand Certification Requirement
a) Bachelor’sdegree (or higher) of petroleum and engineering related majors.
b) Validphysical health certificate (persons with disease such as cardiopathy, suddendyspnea, HIV, Hepatitis B and other communicable diseases, etc., areunacceptable).
c) Ageshould be no more than 45 years old.
2) WorkingExperience Requirement
a) Minimum8 years experience in Oil &amp Gas operations.
b) Minimum2 years working experience as Procurement Engineer related to Completion andWell Intervention Operations.
3) SkillRequirement
a) Havegood knowledge of Contracts, ITT and Tender Proposal.
b) Masterflow t and role play of Procurement process. Have some basic knowledge ofthe operations of Completion, Workover, Acidizing &amp Flowback, and Wireline&amp Slickline Operation, Water Injection, and Acid Fracturing of VerticalWell, Horizontal Well and ESP Installation Well, etc.
c) Haveknowledge of the standards of API, ISO, and other industrial and enterprisestandards.
d) Skillfulin preparing paper work in English, such as tender clarification, tenderevaluation, PPT for presentation, meeting minutes, and official letter, etc.
e) Fluentin oral and written English, able to have free communication with people.
f) Proficientin utilizing Microsoft Office software, such as EXCEL, WORD, PPT and PROJECT,etc.
g) Excellentcoordination skills with people.
4) PositionResponsibility
Responsible for the wholeProcurement process, including but not limited to:
a) Prepareprocurement related documents and get approvals for each procurement project.
b) Worktogether with technical team to make evaluation related documents.
c) AnnounceITT and communicate with bidders through the clarifications.
d) Responsiblefor the documentation and management of all procurement related files andinformation in both hard copies and soft copies, inclusive of ITT, Proposals,Clarifications, E-mails back and forth, meeting minutes and official letter,etc.
e) Responsiblefor the procurement history record and tracking of each procurement project,making summary periodically on procurement challenges, achievements and currentstatus, etc.
f) Responsiblefor and optimization of SOP of Department Procurement Process.
g) Responsiblefor initiating Department annual Procurement Activity Plan.
h) Responsiblefor updating the procurement related part of all Department Reports, such asthe Department Weekly and Monthly Reports.
深圳迈威石油设备技术有限公司(以下简称“迈威”),成立于 2007 年,是一家国内技术领先的综合油田技术服务公司,总部位于深圳,下设香港和蛇口分公司。在塘沽和惠州设有基地。公司的业务范围涵盖陆地和海上石油钻井、完井、生产和地面工程等专业服务,以及设备/工具加工、租赁、维修及检测等服务。